Friday, January 11, 2008

"Twinkle Star"

Hint: It will be easier to hear this if you pause the music down at the bottom of the blog. Dani hasn't quite gotten the words to the whole song down bud she knows the "twinkle star" part very well. You will also get to see how she takes every toy out of her room and spreads them all over the family room when I am feeding Abby. (I was feeding Abby when I taped this)


Hadley Family Clan! said...

Dani is so dang smart! I am amazed at how well she talks and she speaks so clearly too.

Carol said...

wow i am really behind on your blog. i loved all your pictures, the snow angels, the chair with the books, the gorgeous blessing dress. you looked amazing by the way! i loved everything!

Becky said...

I feel bad because it's been so long since I posted a comment, Melissa! Your family is absolutely adorable!!! I wish I had the time to comment on every single post..sure do wish you still lived close by :)