When we got to the hospital an ENT came to check her. I told him about her history of ear infections and he said that we should put tubes in her ears since her last ear infection didn't go away with the antibiotics. He scheduled us for the next morning. Heston went back to work that night and I stayed with Dani.
Her eye had swollen completely shut by then but she still managed to watch movies and play like a happy little kid. What a trooper!
We had a dinner picnic with Dad before he left that night.
Dani loved putting the TV speaker right by her ear.
Her eye started to improve by the next day with the strong antibiotics.
Dani was very happy when they un-hooked her IV. She loved being able to run around again.
The nurses let her feed the fish.
Dani's favorite play house.
Playing outside was her favorite thing to do. She woke up every morning begging to go outside. The morning of her surgery she asked if she could go outside and I told her that after she breathed in the mask and when she woke up she could go outside. When she came out of anesthesia she was crying like crazy saying that she wanted to go outside. She cried
and cried until they brought our wheelchair to take us back to our room. Then we went straight outside and she was as happy as can be!
Wow! What an ordeal! I'm glad she's doing better. What a little trooper.
what a brave little girl. you are probably exhausted, quite a nice little transition to the new little one! hope everything goes well in the next few weeks.
That must have been so scary, to say the least! I'm glad she's feeling better, and hope that you recover from it all in time to get to the hospital yourself! :) Get some rest!!
How sad:(. I didn't realize it was that bad....her poor eye end ears. It doesn't look like it was very fun, although the toys sure do. What a wonderful hospital for kids:). Sorry you didn't get much sleep on the chair in the hospital and happy to hear she's doing better.
Oh my goodness I have not been looking at blogs lately. Bless little Dani's heart. Her eye looked like someone socked her! What a brave little girl.
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