Our family's costumes:
Dani - Cute little fluffy lady bug.
Abby -Adorable little baby lady bug.
Heston - Hot farmer!
Melissa - Pregnant Mom who has been in the hospital all night, put on strict bed rest for the whole weekend, and very disappointed to be missing this fun holiday with her family
Heston and his sister Lacie took the girls to our ward's trunk-or-treat party. Dani saw her favorite nursery leader Sister Wright.

Then they went to Great-Grandma and Grandpa's to trick-or-treat. Dani loved knocking on the door.

Abby is already a pro. at opening candy!

Dani didn't know what to do being in free reign of all of that candy.

At Grat-Grandma's with all of Heston's cousins kids.

Great-Grandma and Abby.

Then they came trick-or-treating to our house.

Thank you Aunt Lacie for taking the girl's out for a fun night! (And for dressing up like Farmer Heston's wife in my place :)

More little cousins came over. Dani and Abby had already stripped down by then.

We had to get a picture with Becky (the dog) who dressed up like a ladybug too.
They are certainly the cutest. Looks like they had fun despite being without their mommy. I'm sorry you are sick, I hope and pray you are doing better.
sorry to here about the night in the hospital, that brings back scary memories. let me know if you need anything or just someone to talk to, i have some great resources if the bedrest should last..good luck your girls looked great!
Why were you in the hospital? Hope you're ok!! Well, your girls looked adorable! And looks like they had fun...at least you got pictures :)
What a super fun night for your girls. I've been out of blogging world for a while, didn't know you were pregnant. Congrats Another girl? Yeah!! I'm in love with pink since having MilaBelle.
I hope you get off bedrest soon.
Oh my, I saw Dani's costume at the trunk or treat and about died. That's the cutest lady bug I've ever seen.
If you need company while on bed rest I'll be glad to keep you company. We can make bows, bracelets...you know, all that cute girlie stuff.
Oh my, how come you got put on best rest? Hope everything's fine! Your girls' costumes are the cutest ever!
First, those are the cutest little bugs ever! Adorable!! Second, what about you being in the hospital?! I am calling you in the morning (I want to call now, but it is 10:02 PM and even though I know you are up, I don't want to wake any kiddos.). I should have called you when you called me the other day...man, I suck!
Your girls look so adorable I can't stand it. The picture of the girls with the dog even dressed up is just too cute. Sorry your not feeling well. Keep me posted.
What cute costumes!! I saw Lacy with Heston and was wondering where you were!! I hope you're not having to bed on bedrest for very long! NO FUN!
Cute, cute girls and costumes. Here is what I want to know... how come that Mom on bedrest is standing up in alot of those pictures??? What's going on? We need an update. You need a laptop so you blog in bed. :)
cute cute lady bugs! so sad that you couldn't go.. how nice of lacey! i'm so glad you are ok. i was worried about you! it is so fun to have you in thatcher! :)
Cute, cute girls! And another one on the way - woo hoo! And you still look gorgeous for being a pregnant mom who is on bed rest after being in the hospital! Hope all goes well for you!
Your girls are so cute and they are getting so big. I hope that you are feeling better. I have had alot of things go one during this pregnancy and it's not fun. So I really hope that you are doing better. You guys look great and hope all is well.
congrats on the girl!! emma is so jealous of your house :)
love the halloween costumes - yours is my favorite - you looked the comfiest (sp?)
Hey Mel, Hang in there! Your daughters are darling! Your husband should have been a bug catcher!
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